1:1 Power Hours

Power Hours

All of my 1:1 support is a ‘Power Hour’ that will last between 60-90 minutes. They can be in person or video calls.

Not sure which option to select? Get in touch and I’ll be happy to arrange a bespoke programme for you.


With over 7 years of experience running my own businesses and 12+ years in the food industry, I can offer valuable guidance in multiple areas.

  • Social Media (new businesses & established)

  • Email Marketing for small businesses

  • Fixed Premises / Expanding

  • Hospitality specific

  • Taking on staff


Do you have multiple areas you need support with? I can put together a bespoke package covering exactly what you need, during multiple meetings together.

For example:

Session 1: Instagram Audit & Intro

Session 2: Branding / Ideal Client

Session 3: Reels Training

Session 4: Social Media Strategy

Session 5: Email Marketing

Book a Power Hour

After booking, I will contact you to arrange a suitable time and venue for us to meet. You will also be sent a questionnaire to ensure our time together is super efficient!